Today, our little acrobatic baby did what I previously thought impossible. She escaped from her Bumbo! A Bumbo is a great invention. It is a seat for babies that helps them sit up. Like Alcatraz, it is also mostly escape proof. But somehow Sasha made her great escape.
It was pretty scary. I missed most of it as I was in the shower, actually I was drying my hair. My husband was sitting at the computer and he had her in her bumbo seat. He put the bumbo up on the desk so that she could be within arm's reach. We would never put her in her bumbo seat on top of something without being right there next to her, even though we really didn't think she'd get out of it. But somehow she did manage to squirm out of the seat and fell of the desk! Luckily, my husband has reflexes of a ninja and caught her mid-air. As I walked out of the bathroom, I heard Sasha crying her upset cry and I saw her at an ackward angle in his arms. I didn't quite understand what had happened until my husband explained it.
The fall did seem to upset her, even though she was unhurt. When she sees the bumbo she yells at it as if to scold it. Little Virgo baby seems to hold a grudge. She's mad at it.
Probably unrelated, but she has been crabby off and on during the evening. She actually vomited once, which is unusual. I don't think she's ever done that before so I guess that's a milestone. I came home to feed her twice during the night, and oh my, that second time I came home I guess she had been crying unconsolably for 15 minutes straight before I got there. I fed her and she seemed to calm down until I had to leave to go back to work, then she started her fussing again. It was so hard for me to tear myself away and I felt bad for my husband as I know it must be frustrating to be stuck alone with a screaming baby. Sasha and I are so lucky to have him, as he is so patient and caring.
I wish I knew what was bothering her. Or if we can't figure it out, I hope it is short lived.