22 September 2013

38 Week Prenatal Checkup

I had my 38 week checkup on Tuesday September 10th.
Blood pressure was normal 127/73, weight 147lb. 
Non-stress test performed to check for fetal distress and he passed, though he didn't cooperate for a bit. Fetal heart rate was in the 120s. It's usually in the 140s and he did not move around much. To get him to wake up and move, the doc put some loud noisemaker on my belly to startle him and he jumped at that. Heart rate accelerated on movement so he is good.
Doctor checked and I am fully effaced and dilated 1cm. So there was some progress. It could be nothing or who knows.
One more checkup next Tuesday and my scheduled c-section will be on Wednesday. Most of that appointment will be the pre-surgical lab tests and pre-admission into the hospital so all we will have to do is show up and go straight to surgery.

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