30 April 2008


Sasha has mostly stopped with her baby sign language. She does still sign stuff occasionally, but not very much.
It's understandable. Sasha is smart enough to notice that the rest of the world talks, not signs. So why bother? She figured that out long ago, so she rarely signed when we were out of the house or for strangers. Signing was mostly a thing that mommy did with her. My husband and older daughter did put effort into signing and learning the signs that Sasha knew, but Sasha knows it was mostly something mom encouraged and pushed. She'd sign for me and I'd cheer her on and it made me happy.
But if the rest of the world talks, that's where she's putting her efforts.

I am rethinking whether to continue to teach it to her as a second language. Originally it's intent was for her to be able to communicate with us while she was still learning how to talk. Her verbal vocabulary has surpassed her signing vocabulary now. So we shall see!

She's got some signs she still uses. Like "where?" and "more" and "bike". Especially "where?". That sign has become a fun little game for her. She likes to throw, drop, or hide objects then turn to us and ask us "where?". When we find it and give it to her, she hides it again and signs "where?" again. She can keep this up all day if we can keep up with her.

Just yesterday, Sasha was in her car seat and unbeknownst to us, she kicked off a shoe. I took her out of the car seat and started walking up to the house. She said "where?" and signed it at the same time. My husband and I remarked that we thought she was looking for Cassie and we continued upstairs. After we got upstairs, I set her down and noticed her shoe was missing.
"Oh no! Where is her shoe?", I said. Sasha chimed in by saying "where?" and signing "where?" again. We finally realized that when she originally said "where?", she was talking about her shoe. Oops! My husband had to run back down to the car to get her shoe.

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