25 January 2008

Oh boy...it's THAT phase

Our darling little toddler does not want to keep her clothes on.
Lately, she had been through a phase where she wanted to wear every single clothing item she encountered. Mom's jacket, mom's hat, any of her clothes she came across in her drawers, or ugh, even the dirty laundry. The worst is when I catch her running around with a pair of dirty underwear on her head. Yikes!

But she's got a diaper rash, so we let her 'air dry' a few days ago. Ever since, she's been wanting to be "free"! When it's diaper time, once that diaper is off, she squirms and runs away. Then it's time to chase her. She squeals and runs away to keep us from diapering her. If we say "diaper" she squeaks and runs around for another orbit. She learned how to take off her clothes, so she does that now.

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