01 June 2008

A little more time

Today, Sasha and her Daddy would have been arriving home this evening. However, Sasha and my husband are doing so well out by his mother's house that they decided they wanted to stay out there a little longer.
So in a week, after Cassie is done with school and her birthday party, Cassie and I will head out that way to meet them. Then we'll have a two week vacation all together. And we will return home together. We were planning on having a family vacation together out west anyways so we just bumped it up a bit. That gives Sasha and my husband three more weeks to visit with his family and take care of family matters.
Sasha and my husband have both had chronic troubles with eating, weight, and lack of appetite. They both have increased appetites and have gained necessary weight while they've been gone. The trip has been good for their health. Therefore it's for their best interest that they stay out there a little longer. Although I know the environment has a lot to do with it, perhaps I can pick up a few tips and tricks on how to keep those two picky eaters fed.

I have missed my daughter and husband terribly. I know I should be trying to relax and maybe enjoy some down time, but I can't. I yearn to hold my baby again and can not relax until I am reunited with her. She is in my every thought and even in my dreams.

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