17 September 2008

Pictures from the birthday party

Sasha sharing peapods with her cousin, Madison

The rain couldn't keep her from playing outside at her birthday party.

Playing with her daddy

Opening presents

Gift successfully opened! (good view of the t-shirt big sister Cassie made)

Reading birthday cards with mommy

Blowing out birthday candles. She really did it!

Eating her birthday cake

Trying to steal a little of her daddy's cake. His must taste better :)

Hugging her grandpa

Playing with her cousin, Madison


Jacque said...

Fun! I hope Sasha's cold is better. She's cute in her outfit. :)

Dawn said...

It looks like she had a great party!! I hope she is feeling better!!

SaRaH said...

Happy Birthday, Sasha! She's so beautiful. Nora and I send her big birthday and get well soon wishes.