29 December 2007
Vitamin D?
Sasha has been breastfed from the day she was born. She's not eating food very well and never has. She will not drink milk. We are a night shift family so our exposure to sunlight is VERY infrequent. This all is the perfect setup for Rickets, a vitamin D and calcium deficiency.
The thought crossed my mind when I noticed Sasha's belly is a little bit distended outwards. But she doesn't seem to have any other signs of a deficiency that I can tell...no bowed legs, her teeth keep coming in okay. But a deficiency can exist months before there are physical signs and symptoms. I think I can reasonably assume that Sasha has a deficiency of vitamin d, considering she has no current source of it.
I guess it's something that I need to keep an eye on though. I started to give her vitamin drops today. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'd prefer she get her nutrients from natural sources but since she's not eating I don't see much other choice. I will be glad once Sasha is old enough to eat children's chewable multi-vitamins, or if she ever starts eating again.
Recovery from Recovery
I wish she would eat. She's been nursing like a newborn again and not eating food. Today for the first time ever, I had to force her to take a dropperful of vitamin drops against her will. I'm afraid that she might be suffering from nutritional deficiencies. I wish there was a better way but if she's not going to eat I'm going to have to give her the vitamin drops. I'd prefer that she get her nutrients from food.
If she's feeling better, I'm going to have to cut her back on her nursing sessions. I fear that her frequent nursing might be causing her appetite loss. I tolerated it while she was ill but now it's a habit that I have to break again. I am hoping her appetite will pick up once her nursing is cut back. Easier said than done, however. I know that cutting her nursing sessions back will mean lots of temper tantrums, whining, and a very crabby upset little girl. I have to keep offering her foods, even though she refuses, somehow without turning it into a power struggle. That's a delicate balance. I hope I have the strength. It's going to be a long weekend.
Meanwhile, my husband is feeling ill again. Didn't he just finish recovering from being sick? Blah can we get a break?
28 December 2007
The bug
We thought that the rest of us had escaped unscathed. My immune system seems to have been really strong the last two years or so. But of course it's the holidays, so I started getting sick two days before christmas eve. Fortunately, the worst of it was over by Christmas Eve and I felt recovered enough to be able to go to my family's christmas party.
However it was on Christmas eve that I noticed that I had some strange rash all over my neck. I don't know how long it was there before I noticed it. You can see it in this picture the best (click to enlarge), but it's still not clear. (Pic from the family Christmas party. Sasha was riding on a rocking horse, and I carried her, horsey and all, into the living room when it was time to open presents). It really had me worried. It couldn't be a heat rash as I wasn't hot and neither was my neck. I had a heat rash elsewhere on my body to compare it to, and the rashes looked different. I tried to look it up online, but anyone who has ever tried to diagnose a rash by google image search knows how disgusting and scary that can be. Ugh! Closest I could match it to was measles or rubella. Which made me think. Hrm, Sasha had just gotten her MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) shot earlier that week. She had been crabby and not feeling well also. The vaccines are made with weakened viruses, but it is possible to get reactions from the vaccines. Was it also possible for people to actually come down with the actual diseases from the vaccines??? Was it then possible to pass on that disease to other people around you? It was a scary thought! I was actually really worried that maybe Sasha gave me measles from her mmr shot! But the rash disappeared the next day so I have no idea what it was. I guess it wasn't the mmr shot at all. But you can bet that if the rash had spread or if it was still there the next day I would have been asking some questions to the doctors.
27 December 2007
Sasha riding a little bike at my parents house, soon after we first arrived. Once she sat on it, she just sat there watching all the goings on. She isn't really familiar with my parents or her cousins, and especially not my parents house, so she had to sort of soak it all in before she would do anything. She was a bit overwhelmed. It takes her a bit to warm up to new people or situations and she usually copes with it by withdrawing and observing. She was clinging to my leg for a while. Her uncle was taking the pics of her and she wasn't sure what to make of him and his flashy camera yet.
Here we have all the kids together. My two girls and my brother's three kids. Baby Madison is about four months old now.
Opening presents with her Daddy. She wasn't really paying much attention to any of the gift opening, especially once she got her first present open. She just wanted to play with that toy. She didn't care there were more toys!
I think she's got another molar coming in. She keeps sticking that tongue out.
Merry Christmas
Just a quick post to wish our family and friends a Merry Christmas.
Cassie got a Karaoke machine, which is what she wanted. I gave her a chunk of cash to go shopping with at the mall and she spent it on clothes and jewelery.
Jon and I got a crock pot and some Wii games.
We had to drive back home on Christmas day so that I could return to work that night.
22 December 2007
Awwww! How cute!
She is 13 years old, and had a crush on Tyler, one of the boys in her math class, for the past few months. She was too scared to talk to him. She had a friend of hers, who was a friend of his, play mediator between them. Her friend talked to him and told him that Cassie liked him. Her friend says that he said he liked her too and would ask her out. Then her friend said that he said he tried but that Cassie shot him down. Cassie said she didn't realize he was trying to make an attempt at anything, just thought it was a casual conversation. Doh! She told her friend and her friend corrected the miscommunication. Tyler then asked her if she wanted to 'go out' and she said yes. So apparently that officially makes them a couple.
Now they're not 'going out', as in, going someplace together. I guess 'going out' is just a status, not an intention of traveling together. Hah!
For now, Cassie and Tyler are too scared to talk to each other. It appears that 'going out' does not involve them interacting much. But the new couple is the talk of the school, and Cassie says everyone is happy for them. She even changed her myspace page relationship status to say "in a relationship".
Middle school love. How sweet and innocent :)
Toddler Weight Loss
I know that toddler growth slows down after a year of age, thus requiring less food. But Sasha was always a picky eater. Actually, she just didn't seem to like the eating concept in general. But within the last few weeks or so, Sasha has finally started eating.
I wasn't surprised that her gain wasn't as large as most children should be. But even before her well baby exam, I knew that we would not see much of a weight gain. The loss of weight was a surprise to me, however.
My hope right now is that because Sasha is actually increasing her food intake by leaps and bounds lately, that her growth rate is now increasing. I don't know if it's enough to make up for what she hasn't gained before, but she is definitely improving. Of course, the doctor didn't seem to understand that she was already on the increase.
For now, I think our plan is to continue to offer her foods many times a day. Instead of three meals a day, we do a bunch of mini-meals and try to keep her constantly grazing.
Despite the doctor suggesting we wean Sasha, I really don't want to do that during the middle of the cold and flu season. She gets extra immunological benefits from nursing. Several times I have seen her fight off colds and flus that have laid my husband out and I attribute that to the benefits of nursing. I am encountering a lot of sick coworkers, and I am afraid that I am bringing some extra germs home to my family. So I do not want to wean her now. Instead, I am trying a new tactic. I do not nurse Sasha until after she has eaten all she can at a meal. Then I top her off with a nursing session. She always has room for milk and regardless of how full she is, she never ever refuses nursing. It's like her dessert, lol.
I do want to keep trying to give her nutritional foods, but I do admit it has sort of become a feed-Sasha free-for-all, where we give her anything that interests her. Sweets, high fat foods, anything that she'll eat. Bad foods are better than no food at all, right? I am hoping that we can curb this after we get her weight problem under control so we don't develop some bad eating habits.
Articles I am reading on how to feed picky toddlers:
kellymom- Nutrition for nursing toddlers
Boosting Calories in your Child's Diet
Toddlers like mine and their mother's takes on the problem:
Mothering your nursing toddler
Berkeley Parents Network- Toddlers Not Eating
15 Month Well Baby Exam
We had Sasha's routine 15 Month Well Baby Exam on Tuesday.
In her past exams, she usually started crying the moment she sees the nurse. The nurse at the pediatrician's office is the same nurse she sees every visit from the time she was a week old onward, so she recognizes her as bad news. This time, Sasha didn't cry immediately upon seeing her and was mostly cordial at first. We stripped her down to her diaper and she was amused with that. She likes to play with her belly button, so any time she's got no shirt on, she's a happy belly-button picking girl. Sasha also found the scale in the exam room to be a fun toy. She liked to step on and off of it like it was a fun wobbly step. When the nurse came back in the room, Sasha happily stepped on the scale for her. The nurse seemed confused at the weight, 19lbs, and decided to try to weigh Sasha on the scale in the other exam room. That other scale is the scale Sasha had always been weighed on in previous visits and was the baby scale... you know the kind that weighs in pounds and ounces and sits on a tabletop.
The baby scale said Sasha weighed 18lbs 8oz. This was concerning. At her 12 month exam, Sasha weighed 18lbs 14oz. This meant she lost weight instead of a gain. Not good. Sasha doesn't seem to have gained much weight since she was 9 months old.
I've had a difficult time transitioning Sasha to solids, as I've mentioned in previous posts. She kept refusing to eat. Only in the last three weeks has Sasha shown even the slightest interest in solid foods. So I wasn't surprised at the low weight but I wasn't expecting a weight loss.
The nurse measured Sasha's height, and she did gain an inch of height. She is now 30 inches long. Sasha protested the height measurement process by screaming and crying.
The nurse left and the doctor came in the room. He was very upset about the weight loss and about Sasha's weight. According to his growth charts, Sasha is now below the third percentile in weight for her age. He kept saying "No this is not good". He started insisting that I wean Sasha from breastfeeding and implied that nursing is no longer a good source of nutrition for a toddler after a year of age, and that nursing ruins her appetite. I'm not sure what to think of his statement, but I gues that's for another post. He said that Sasha is malnourished, that we were retarding her brain development, and kept saying "This is not good".
Usually, the next pediatric exam wouldn't be until 18 months, but he wants to see her in one month to do a more thorough evaluation of her weight and nutritional status. He is going to do some bloodwork on her at that exam to check if she is anemic or if she has any malnutritional deficiencies.
The doctor continued his examination, under much protest from Sasha. He is very thorough in his examinations. He checked her abdomen, bones, joints, fontanelle status, and had us make her walk so he could observe her gait. All that was good.
They wanted to administer two shots at this visit, the mmr shot, and the chicken pox vaccination. The MMR shot has my husband nervous, with all the accusations of links to autism, but we did allow her to receive the shot. I refused the chicken pox vaccine. I suppose I could write a separate post on that but it is not required by law and I would prefer she get the chicken pox instead of the vaccine.
After the shots, the visit was complete. Sasha was quite mad at that mmr shot. I know it hurt. We set up an appointment for one month from now, and for her 18 month well baby exam. We shall see how her weight is at her evaluation next month.
08 December 2007
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Lately, Sasha has been a great imitator. We are learning about some of the things we do that we don't realize we are doing! Here are some fun examples.
My husband has a cold with a cough, runny nose, and sneezing. The whole works. Sasha darling, who is not sick, now likes to imitate her daddy. You'd think she's got a cold with all the fake coughing, sneezing, and sniffling noises she's making. She thinks it's hilarious. I tell her "bless you!" every time she fake sneezes, and that really keeps her going.
Then today as Sasha was brushing her teeth, I noticed she kept tilting her head down so her chin touched her chest once in a while. I couldn't figure out what she was doing. Brush-brush-brush-brush-tilt, repeat. Eventually, when she finally got a stream of spittle going and managed to make a 'pthooey' sound, I realized what she was doing...she was trying to spit. Just like mommy and daddy do when they brush their teeth. I didn't realize she was watching us so closely.
Cassie has been on the phone all the time lately, talking to her friends, as 13 year old teenager like to do. She seems like she's got that phone permanently attached to her ear. Sasha likes to walk around with random objects up to her ear while 'talking', just like sister talking on the phone. Then Sasha started saying "Dood" on her 'phone' all the time. Again, it took me a little while to realize what was going on. Cassie was talking excitedly to one of her friends, chanting "Dude! DUDE! DUDE!", and there was Sasha saying "Dood! Dood! Dood!". Hah! I guess she thinks when you're on the phone, you should say "dude" a lot.
I'm sure I'll have plenty more of these.
07 December 2007
Clingy, Affectionate, Hungry, Whiny
As my title suggests, Sasha has been clingy, super affectionate, whining a lot, and strangely very hungry. I'm glad that she is eating so well lately, and I do love all the extra affection she's been showing us. But it's interesting. She's affectionate to everyone, everything, all the time. If she is awake, she is constantly hugging or kissing on something. A stuffed animal, a doll, a family member, or even a calculator manual. Yes. She kissed a calculator manual!? Silly little girl! She's been more content to just park herself in my lap or in my arms and she'll just stay there.
Her second molar finally broke through. I suspect she is fighting off whatever illness my husband is suffering from. She's been eating like a horse, so I think she's probably going through a growth spurt. Anyone who remembers what a growth spurt feels like, I'm sure they can remember growing pains. They hurt! So I'd presume a growth spurt is a painful process for a young child. Combine all of the above, and we have a whiny, clingy child. I wish I could take away all her pain and discomfort.
04 December 2007
Sasha's House
Here is one of the toys Sasha LOVES whenever we go to her little preschool program. It's an old toy though, not available for sale anymore. It's a Little Tykes play house. She loves to open and close the front door. The mailbox opens and closes and there is a plastic envelope that can go in the mailbox like little fake mail. There's a little garden with plastic carrots and turnips and stuff that she can pull out. There are flowers and spinning birds. And even a doorbell. She mostly just opens and closes the door, and opens and closes the mailbox repeatedly, never getting bored of that.
Most of the time she spends at the Monday preschool program, she spends defending her house. Sometimes other little intruders try to come inside but she stands her ground. She doesn't push them. They might try to push her, but she stubbornly stands firm and eventually they go away and leave her to her house again. Now that's my girl!
Sasha Can Moo....Can You?
She can now Quack like a duck, Tweet like a bird, Woof like a dog, Moo like a cow, and Baa like a sheep. We're working on some other sounds too but I don't think I've heard them yet. Yesterday, I saw a flock of geese flying overhead while we were in a store parking lot. I pointed up in the air at them and said "Look Sasha! Birds!". She watched in rapt amazement at the geese flying through the air. She then signed the sign language for 'bird' and said "Tweet Tweet". Clever little girl!
Like I said, Sasha has a great interest in books lately. She'll grab a book from her bookcase, then she'll walk over to me. If I am sitting on the floor cross legged, she'll turn herself around so her back is facing me and will slowly walk herself backwards and sit herself down in my lap. That means it's time to read. She turns the pages and points at the pictures in her books, and I read to her or tell her what is going on in the pictures. I'm so glad that she is so interested in reading.
Sasha still has a mouthful of teeth coming in and several of those teeth look painful. My husband is still sick, and he's been trying to keep from spreading it to me or Sasha. Sasha has been a little more crabby than usual today and she's been grabbing at her neck. I'm not sure if that means she's getting a sore throat or not. I hope not! My husband says he feels absolutely miserable so I hope she is spared.
30 November 2007
At the doctor's office waiting on her Daddy. She got a big kick out of the little chairs and the books and puzzles.
Lately, Sasha has been making requests. Or shall I say demands?
This past week, whenever I sit on the floor, Sasha will toddle up to me, sit in my lap, look me straight in the eyes with a stern expression, sign milk at me, and will grab at my shirt as if to say "Milk now woman...that's an order". She's always signed milk, but usually during nursing, not as a request to nurse until now. It's funny but it will quickly get old.
"Tea" is her newest sign. Of course. She's a little tea fiend. Again, it's as a request/order, not as a cute little "aww look mommy it's tea" kind of thing. It's like "Tea NOW mother". I'm pretty proud of her new sign.
Today she was playing with her cabbage patch doll and it was very cute. She was mothering it. She was feeding it a toy bottle, hugging and kissing it, dancing with it, making it dance, making it ride her toy car, and she gave it to her daddy to take care of a few times as well. She's been affectionate with her doll, her stuffed polar bear, and her stuffed doggy.
Actually, she's been super affectionate all week to everyone. Kisses for everybody, especially mommy! I swear I get like 50 spontaneous kisses a day from that sweet child. I can't imagine a more affectionate toddler.
She wants to give her daddy kisses too, but unfortunately he is sick. I had to take the night off work last night as he was ill. It came on very suddenly. Within an hour or two, he went from ok to unable to speak. He came down with a sore throat, his nose and ears and sinuses hurt. I think he had a headache and body ache as well but no fever. It was scary how fast it seemed to be spreading so I took him to the doctor. They were mostly useless. The rest of us have been ok. So far I'm feeling fine, Sasha is showing no signs of illness, and Cassie is ok too. I'm hoping that whatever he's got was something I got vaccinated against with my flu shot, thus passing immunity to Sasha. I hope. I just have to keep an eye on Cassie as she did not get a flu shot. I REALLY hope we don't have everybody sick! That would suck.
28 November 2007
Bookstore Beauty
At the bookstore after trying to get her portraits taken.
I just LOVE her dress and pigtails. She looks so tiny amongst the aisles of books.
Holiday Pictures
I didn't get Sasha's 1 year professional pictures taken. Instead I waited and took her for the holidays. I figured I'd get something for a christmas card. I got a GORGEOUS dress for her. The pictures don't do it justice, it was sparkly and a pretty deep emerald color with fluffy white trimming on the wrists and bottom.
This photo session was a bit of a disappointment. I took her to the place I always take her. The girl there that usually takes Sasha's picture must have had the day off. Instead there was some really LOUD obnoxious woman. The moment I saw the woman working with another child, I knew we would have trouble. Sasha is really shy, easily upset, and dare I say high strung? So a loud, overbearing obnoxious in-your-face sort of person is going to get Sasha crying and upset. Not the look I was going for on a christmas card.
When it was our turn, I tried to tell the woman. I said Sasha is shy and doesn't really like loud or aggressive people, she prefers to warm up to people. She acted offended. "WELL SHE WON'T LIKE ME CUZ I'M LOUD!" (duh?) and she started trying to poke Sasha in the belly, which of course annoyed Sasha and made her cling to me. The woman tried to pick Sasha up and put her on the stage and Sasha got pissed. She kept trying to get in Sasha's face, yelling BOO, tickling her, and doing other stuff but of course it just pissed off and scared Sasha even more.
We spent the next 20 minutes trying to calm Sasha down. The woman knew sign language, so the moment I mentioned that Sasha was signing to me ("all done!") she actually quieted down and started signing to Sasha. Sasha started warming up to the woman while she was in her sign language phase.
Once Sasha was moderately calmed down, I was able to get her on stage by letting her play with a prop gift box. The top of the box came off so I hid a few other props in the box and Sasha played with that. It was enough to mostly get some pictures. Sasha gave us like 3 minutes before she had another melt down so we weren't able to do any cute poses or backgrounds or anything. Just a non-crying baby was the best we could do. Sasha looks like she's thinking "Wtf?" at the photographer in most of the pics.
After the pictures were over, we were sitting at a desk to review the pictures and put together portraits and packages. Sasha was running around, happy as a clam. Figures. This apparently annoyed the woman. Whatever. She tried to pick Sasha up by her upper arms. Now I don't know about anyone else, but you pick babies up under their armpits, you don't grab them by their arms. I cringed. Sasha arched her back and threw a holy temper tantrum. The woman acted so offended and I thought she was going to throw Sasha on the ground or drop her. Fortunately she didn't, she at least set Sasha back down. But still, the nerve. This woman works with children as a job? I don't understand. She's lucky my husband wasn't there or he'd probably have kicked her ass a few times.
Although the pictures were cute (because Sasha was in them), I knew they could have been so much better. Like I said, I'm disappointed. The pics are not what I envisioned. When we got home, Sasha was so gorgeous in her pigtails, big blue eyes, and pretty dress. I tried to take some pictures with my camera but I couldn't get a good picture. She was tired and wired by the time I got her home. So I guess the picture I wanted is just not meant to be. I'll have to hold that image of my gorgeous little holiday girl in my head instead.
25 November 2007
For the most part, it had information that I already knew, and listed a few cute ideas for ways to turn regular daytime activities into learning opportunities. The one pdf article that caught my interest was titled "Understanding Children: How does my child learn?" I'm not sure how long this site will be up, so I hope they don't mind me pasting part of their cute little quiz, a guide to three learning styles:
The following is a guide to three learning styles.
Is he a looker?
When he wishes to express himself, he...
...points to what he wants
...responds with gestures, not words
...plays very quietly
...likes to observe goings on, rather than participate
...didn't babble until late in his first year
When he plays, he...
...likes dangling toys, colors, and motion
...is visually alert
...looks at picture books
When he moves about, he...
...watches his hands while playing
...reached for objects before he was 5 months of age
...likes to explore small objects with his hands
...likes to pick up and place small puzzle pieces, and enjoys puzzles and shape sorters
When he is fussy, he...
...is quited by the sight of a familiar face
...is calmed by a familiar toy
...is easily distracted by a change of scenery
Is he a Listener?
When he wishes to express himself, he...
...babbled early and frequently
...said his first words before age one
...follows directions easily
...tries to imitate words spoken by others
...uses inflection when vocalizing
When he plays, he...
...likes rattles and noisemakers
...likes rhymes, songs, and finger plays
...seems to 'eavesdrop' in conversations
...babbles to his toys
When he moves about, he...
...was slow to sit up, and more interested in babbling
...is consumed by talking, not walking
...prefers riding toys that make noise
...uses toys mainly to create sounds
When he is fussy, he...
...is quieted by the sound of a familiar voice
...is calmed by music
...is easily distracted by a xylophone or piano
Is he a Mover?
When he wishes to express himself, he...
...uses gestures rather than words
...is prone to tantrums
...shakes his head to indicate "no"
...grabs at objects and toys impulsively
...rarely babbles at all
When he plays, he...
...likes being bounced and tickled
...likes to be rocked, cuddled, and held
...often kicks at his crib mobile
...enjoys swings and bike rides
When he moves about, he...
...sat without support before six months of age
...crawled before eight months of age and walked before age one
...is very active
...used riding toys before ten months of age
When he is fussy, he...
...is quieted by being picked up
...is calmed by being held and rocked
...is easily distracted by a massage or car ride
LOOKING or Visual Learning involves responding to visual stimulation, like motion, color, shape, and size.
LISTENING or Auditory Learning has more to do with sounds and spoken words.
MOVING or Tactile and Kinesthetic Learning, happens through touch and movement.
By this little quiz, I'd have to say my 14 month old daughter Sasha is a LISTENER. I would have originally thought she was a LOOKER but the more I think about it, I guess she must be a Listener after all.
I think, however, that all babies learn by looking, listening, and moving...not just by one method alone. I'm sure the BornLearning folks didn't mean to imply otherwise. The BornLearning folks do, however, suggest that you adjust your teaching style to the learning style of your toddler. I do agree with that to some degree. Of course you should individualize your teaching style to your toddler's learning style. But should you only teach your LOOKING child in a LOOKING style? That I don't think I agree completely with. I think a child should learn how to learn in the styles that he is weak in, to make him more well rounded. To omit other learning styles, I believe, would make him stronger in an area he is already strong in and weaken his ability to learn in other styles.
But I'm no child development expert, just a mother. I think I'll just take this information with a grain of salt and continue what I'm already doing. I do find it interesting and I love finding ways to describe my child. As a former Cosmo reader, I love quizzes anyways.
24 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Cassie went up to my parents for the four-day weekend. She likes to do the Black Friday shopping stuff with her Grandma. They can have it. I think Black Friday shoppers are insane. I'm staying in my home where it's safe and I'm sleeping. I'll do my xmas shopping online this year most likely. Cassie says she and her Grandma went to Walmart early Black Friday morning, and there was a lot of pushing and shoving. People were hitting Cassie with their carts :( But she's ok, she didn't get hurt and she probably did her own share of shoving as well. I guess they did loot a good digital camera for only $90 and a Guitar Hero game for about $60. Not bad!
21 November 2007
Toys Toddlers REALLY like
On Monday and Tuesday, I took Sasha to the local toddler preschool program that we found. We're going to make it a regular thing to do now on Mondays and Tuesdays. It's so good for her! The part of the program we've participated in so far is two part. First the kids play in the heavily stocked toy room. Then after about an hour, the kids get to play with bikes and balls in the elementary school gym.
The toy collections let me know what sort of toys she actually likes. I swear they've got aisles and aisles of toys stacked from floor to ceiling. Any toy you can think of ever made, they've got it and when Sasha likes one I can borrow it! This alone should save me money because I don't have to waste money on toys she won't like anymore.
Toys she liked this week:
Wooden pegged puzzles
Sit & Spin - remember these when you were a kid?
Playhouse- Sasha was guarding a play house like it was her turf
Toy Vacuum (go figure)- popular with all the toddlers!
So anyways, I borrowed the Sit & Spin toy. The one we borrowed has a button with lights and music on the part in the center that you hold.
At the gym, Sasha was fond of this little car:
Isn't it cute? I could push her around with the pole, or she could scoot it around herself, although she mostly scooted it backwards. She had a blast with it.
Anyways, in the gym today, Sasha met her first bully. Oh no! There was a three year old rich kid, very cute, with his imported au pair. In the gym portion of toddler preschool, he took a liking to Sasha. I don't know how to describe it but it was like he was herding sheep, if you've ever seen a sheep dog do that. Wherever Sasha would step, he would jump in front of her to prevent her from moving and would yell "You stay right here baby!". She was basically stuck standing in one spot as he wouldn't let her go anywhere. She didn't get upset. She just glared at him and didn't give up. She kept trying to move anyways. Eventually she sat down on the floor, to which he yelled "Yeah baby, you just sit there and don't move." Whenever she tried to stand up, he would hold her down so she couldn't get up.
I mostly watched for a few reasons. I've never seen Sasha encounter a social situation like this before and wanted to see how she reacted. She did pretty well I think! She just kept doing what she was trying to do and didn't give up trying. I also wanted to see what the kid was like, since Sasha will be playing in this program with this child on a weekly basis. I wanted to see if his nanny would step in and stop him. Nope. She just yelled at him and said "no don't do that" but that's not effective on a 3 year old. So she seemed mostly ineffective. Sasha didn't seem to be in any harm, and I think she learned from this social encounter that 3 year olds are annoying.
Eventually I did extricate Sasha from the situation and had her play across the gym from the boy. Sasha stole his car...the neat one pictured above. Yeah he was pretty upset at that but oh well. The kids had to pick a bike or car to bring to the gym and the car was actually what he originally chose, thus it was "his" car. So Sasha got her retaliation :)
18 November 2007
The Director
I'm assuming it's a phase. Or is it a sign of her personality? Hard for me to tell. I think it's funny and amusing for now.
16 November 2007
Little Fashionista
I've got some pic
She's trying to put her shoes on her feet all by herself. She figures if she hits her shoes against her feet enough, maybe they'll go on her feet:
Trying to put her skirt on. Note she's trying to put it on over her head, hehe!
Trying to decide on an outfit then trying to take off her jacket, which she just asked me to put on her a few minutes earlier:
She's decided on a new jacket, and is trying to take the other one off.
What a little Virgo girl :)
Baby Sign Language
Well, I'm overdue for a post on Sasha's sign language development. I've mentioned it in previous posts, especially when she learned a new sign, but I figured I'd put together a post and try to compile her current vocabulary. She just turned 14 months old. She signed her first sign (more) at 6 months, and I've been signing to her since she was two months old.
First, I'll try to list her signs. Wish me luck; I know I'll be coming back to edit this part as I remember more of them, as she's got a good sign language vocabulary.
- Sister/Cassie - her favorite or most often used sign
- Dad -the way she does this is cute. She points at her forehead, looks like think, or even worse, sometimes it looks like an 'L' on her forehead, like loser!
- more - she bumps her fists together
- all done
- all gone - she only does this with one hand
- eat
- drink
- milk
- water
- cereal - when she's eating her cheerios
- potty - she does this sign a lot! When anyone goes potty, when the toilet flushes, when she's currently going potty. Hope that means she'll potty train easy, haha!
- bath - one of her new favorite signs. Sometimes she literally makes motions across her whole body like she's washing up. arms, legs, and all.
- bird - she surprised me with this sign one day. I showed it to her when she was looking at some geese outside. Then later that day she pointed at the tv and signed bird. Yep, there was a bird on televison!
- dog - another favorite sign. She loves doggies. I wish she could see more of them as they make her so happy. She barks when she does this sign now
- tree - she only signs this when I sign it first.
- light - She loves lights! She points out every light in our hallway and can say 'light' also.
- telephone - as much as she loves telephones, she doesn't do this sign often but I've seen her do it.
- bye bye - bye bye, but I think most every baby can do this. She opens and closes her hands at head level. Funny thing is, she waits until the person leaves before she'll say bye bye to them. By that time, they're long gone.
- shoes - This girl LOVES her shoes. If she doesn't have her shoes on, she'll ask for them to be put on, usually by bringing us her shoes and sticking out her feet. But she has on rare occasion signed shoe
- socks- Her newest sign! She signed this one today. I didn't even know she knew this sign.
- hat - She hardly ever does this sign, only did it to copy me when she did do it
- baby signing time -she knows this as a phrase/song and as her sign language video, but not the individual words. One day I sang her the Intro song to the Baby Signing Time video (it's one of those annoying songs that sticks in your head) and she started signing "baby signing time"! I was impressed.
- sleep - instead of signing this across her whole face, she just signs this over her lips and does a funny little raspberry. But she really means she's tired when she does this!
- I know she knows more, I'll update this when I think of them
Some of her signs look similar, and I have a hard time distinguishing them. 'Milk', 'light', 'all done', 'bye-bye' sort of look the same the way she does them some times. I'm trying to get her to hold her hand up high over her head for the sign for 'light' so I can tell the difference but right now she opens and closes her hand at head level for 'light' and 'milk' and 'bye bye'. 'All done', she NORMALLY does with both hands but sometimes she gets lazy with it, then it looks like 'milk', light, etc.
Her signs are not precise by any means. By that, I mean her version of the sign does not look like the textbook version. But she has meaning behind them. When she signs 'all-done', she really means 'all-done', and she usually does it the same every time. In that respect, it is a true form of communication.
Suspiciously absent from her list is 'mom'! Nope, she won't sign Mom. She has signs for 'dad' and 'sister' but not 'mom'. Bummer!
Tea Time
This has been going on for a while now. Jon likes to make tea by the gallon. We buy bulk tea leaves so he can make his tea and he can drink about a gallon a day. (1 US gallon = 3.7854118 liters). When it's time to make his tea for the day, Sasha always accompanies him. She insists upon it now. When Jon says 'tea', she gets very excited and runs to him, and she starts chanting 'tea, tea, tea'. When she says 'tea', it sounds like just the 't' sound of it without the vowel.
He balances Sasha in one arm, which leaves him his other arm to make the tea. Under Sasha's watchful eye, he fills the teapot with water, then puts it on the stovetop to bring to a boil. Sasha will let her daddy put her back down to run around the house while she waits for the tea water. When the tea water is boiling, the teapot whistles, and Sasha runs back into her daddy's arms. He measures the tea leaves into a large bowl, and counts each teaspoon out while Sasha watches. He carefully pours the hot tea water over the leaves, careful to stay balanced and not to let any steam or hot water get to Sasha.
It's just so cute how she insists on being in his arms every time he goes to make tea. She also loves to drink the tea! We now have a collection of Sasha teas...teas that are low in caffeine or uncaffeinated just for her. She has some plum tea, and fruit tea, both containing vitamin c and antioxidants, but she still loves just plain old black tea. When any of us is drinking our tea, she comes up to us and has us give her some of ours. She enjoys drinking it straight from our coffee mugs.
15 November 2007
Dad's got the schedule now
She was asleep within two minutes tonight. I can't believe how well she goes to sleep at night.
I am at work right now. I know she was doing some night waking. I'm sure I'll hear more about that when I get home.
Meanwhile, I've been night weaning Sasha at the same time. The verdict is still out as to whether or not it is helping with her appetite. I am going to pump at work to keep my milk supply up just in case it doesn't. Today she ate a bunch of cheerios and some scrambled eggs. She also drank some milk and some tea. It's the first time she's ever drank cow's milk without refusing! Maybe this will work. I'm so optimistic!
(UPDATE: After I got home from work, Sasha and Jon were still asleep. Both got plenty of sleep! It's working!)
2nd night
I took a personal day from work so I could try to cement our new sleep schedule with Sasha. I am amazed at how well she is taking so many changes at once. It's almost like she likes the new routine.
Our bedtime routine is now as follows. We have a family dinner and feed Sasha as best as we can. After dinner, Sasha plays for a little bit and then it is bath time. She takes a warm bath whether she needs it or not. She is dressed into her pajamas. We turn down all the lights in the house so it is dim, and Sasha listens to some music on itunes. She gets a nite-nite daddy dance with the itunes visualizer. That always makes her drowsy. I give her a final nursing for the night. Finally, she is ready to be tucked into her crib.
Tonight I put her in her crib, and she immediately cried. I turned out the lights, turned on some light music (Sarah McLachlan). I rubbed her temple lightly and whispered "Ni-nite" a few times. Then I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me.
I used a stop watch to time her. She stood up in her crib as soon as I walked out the door. I let her cry for one minute exactly and returned to the room. I had her lay back down again, rubbed her temples, and whispered "nite-nite" a few times, walked out, closed the door behind me. 45 seconds later, all was silent. A minute later, I reopened the door and I swear she was asleep!
So it took a total of 1min 45 seconds to get her to sleep.
She slept well for a few hours, but then the night waking started. It really made my husband anxious. He is really restraining himself as he just wants to run to her and pick her up whenever she cries. For the night wakings, we do the same as putting her to sleep. I check on her to make sure she is not hot, cold, hurt, or in any trouble or danger. Then I let her cry for a minute, check, console. Two minutes, check, console. Three minutes, check, console. Four minutes, check, console. She cried off and on during one of her night waking sessions for almost a half an hour. I know I feel bad! But she wasn't crying non-stop, just off and on.
Everything has been going so well otherwise. I figured we'd have some night waking, especially considering she's used to frequent night nursing. She's just in booby withdrawl. Each night is better than the night before.
13 November 2007
First night
First night down on our new sleep plan, and all is ok. Sasha slept 6.5 hours straight. Actually she did night wake a few times but she settled back down ok. I'm used to her sleeping 8-10 hours, but after 6.5 hours she was up, talking to herself, and playing with her glowworm. Maybe she'll take extra naps? Not sure what to expect yet but I'm playing it by ear to see what her natural schedule or biorhythm is.
Day shift is great for Sasha. Yesterday I took her to a program that our school district has for babies and toddlers. It was awesome!!! She got to play with 234895723495 toys and other babies her age. If we keep this up, we'll make it a regular occurrence. Then today I took her to a park...something that was usually very difficult to do on a night shift. She had a blast!
12 November 2007
Our new plan
It's a drastic change but it's necessary. So far, she's been a real trooper and taking it well but we're still only on our first night so we shall see.
I work night shift, and so Sasha and my husband have been night shifters with me as well. Lately, now that she's walking, it's not working out! She's so loud, and we're in an apartment complex with neighbors. When I come home at night from work to feed her I can hear her all the way down the complex hallway. We're going to upset our neighbors if we can't keep it quiet at night.
Add to that the fact that I work full time, and have to come home for her nursings twice a night. It's too much.
We've been doing the co-sleeping/nursing combination and she wakes up at least 10-20times a day to nurse. Therefore previous attempts to switch to day shift and have my husband sleep with her have been unsuccessful. She would keep waking up, and neither my husband nor Sasha could sleep at night without me. If we could get her to sleep through the night at NIGHT, then she and my husband could actually get out of the house and do stuff during the day when everything is actually open. Coffee shops! Book stores! Parks! Malls! Anything! They're so cooped up in this small apartment all night and they're both getting stir crazy...it's not even winter yet. Ever have to watch tv or stay up at night at home? Nothing but infomercials and there is nothing to do. My husband has been so incredibly bored and drained.
I read recently that frequent night nursings decrease a toddler's appetite for solids. I don't know if it's true but that's definitely the case for us. We've had little to no success getting Sasha to eat and it's been a huge source of guilt for us. She's not grown since her 9 month check up. No height change, and only a few ounces in weight. She's drastically dropped in percentiles. I'm hoping that night weaning her will help her take solids. If this does not work, then I'm in trouble.
I gave the Cry-it-out check and console method a try for a nap and it worked well, and it also worked well putting her to bed. She was OUT, completely asleep after 10 minutes only! She cries 1 min, I check and console. She cries two minutes, I check and console. She cries 3 minutes, I check and console, and she is out like a light. So far.
Wish us luck! So many changes at once but she's taking it well so far. I hope this works. It will drastically improve our quality of life if it does. Getting my husband and Sasha out of the apartment during the day will be a godsend.
Baby Fun!
I took Sasha to her first fun filled evening. She's not really used to interacting with anyone outside the immediate family, so this should be great for socializing her. At first, Sasha went into a very quiet, observing mode. They started out with story time and they had all these little chairs. I sat Sasha in a chair and she literally just sat there on that chair for like 20-30 minutes straight, just staring around and trying to make sense of what was going on:
After story time was over, she still just sat in that chair. The rest of the kids moved on to arts and crafts and playtime. Eventually I was able to coax her off that chair and into arts and crafts:
They made a turkey out of a paper bag stuffed with crumpled news paper, then they had each child 'decorate' a paper turkey feather. Sasha did just fine decorating her little feather. Go Sasha!
She warmed up to the classroom and played with toys for a while. They opened up the school gymnasium and put a bunch of balls, bikes, and outdoor-type toys in there. I took her to that and she ran around and pushed the bikes around. No she wouldn't ride them, she just wanted to push them:
After she got tired of that, we went back to the classroom of toys. Did I mention it was stuffed floor to ceiling with aisles of toys?
We stayed until they closed up the classroom and kicked us out. What a blast. Sasha made a little friend with a boy a month younger than her. Actually, they just stood in front of each other and stared, but when it was time to leave they said 'bye bye!' to each other, which was really cute.
There were actually lots of kids her age there. I think the interaction with other kids her age should be good for her. We'll definitely be doing this again. Especially during the winter months to keep us from feeling cooped up. I love this program
10 November 2007
Stacking Blocks
She's all recovered from her cold, thankfully. This week in general has been a rough one so thank goodness it's my equivalent of a Friday. There were building inspectors that came through our apartment, maintenance work in our apartment, plus smoke and fire alarm testing which made the fire alarms in the building keep going off during the day. That made it tough to sleep this week. Oh the joy of being a night shift worker. Then add Sasha's new teeth and her cold to the blend and it made for a challenging week. Especially for my sleep-deprived husband. He has the patience of a saint I swear. I don't know what we'd do without him. He adores his little girl, and she keeps him going.
Remember that post a week back or so where I said Sasha was finally eating? Well scratch that. She's not eating anymore. I am so terribly worried about her. She ate nothing the past few days. We've tried but she just wouldn't eat. Nothing but nursing and I don't think a nearly 14 month old can survive on nursing alone.
I might be switching her back to a day shift. I may also start working on getting her into her own bed. Wish me luck with that. It is going to be a very trying week for us this next week if we do.
The Climbing Begins
I was at work when this happened. My husband suddenly asked me where the camera was and was quiet for a while. That's when he took these pictures. He's normally very jumpy when it comes to Sasha climbing so I'm surprised he was able to take these pictures. Hehe!
Colds and Teeth
It came from out of nowhere. A cold. I came home from work the night before last night, and Sasha had a runny nose. She had seemed just fine earlier that night. By the time she went to bed, she was so stuffed up that she was having a hard time breathing.
All night, I laid next to her, and I could hear her labored breathing. She mostly had to breathe out her mouth so it sounded almost like a snore. Nursing was difficult for her. It was sad to see her get so frustrated with something that was usually her comfort. But since she was mostly breathing out her mouth, it was nearly impossible for her to nurse properly and it seemed to make her anxious, and me too. I wanted to make sure that I passed on the antibodies that would help her fight off whatever it was that was ailing her.
She felt warm and her cheeks were a rosy pink, but she didn't seem to have a fever.
Fortunately, it was short lived. By the next night, her runny nose was gone and she was able to breathe properly again. She actually sat in my lap and watched tv with me for a while. Normally she would not sit still that long. As she sat in my lap, I checked the progress of the new tooth coming in. It's still painfully swollen and now I've noticed two more molars coming in on the top! Poor kid. 3 molars on the way and a cold. I guess it explains her crabby wookie spells.
07 November 2007
Work it, baby!
Singing Baby
There have been plenty of times where I sing songs that have hand motions to Sasha, like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Herman the Worm, or Patty Cake. Sasha likes to try to gesture along. But today, she did something very cute: she sang!
We were at the dinner table, eating jambalaya. My husband was taking a nap so it was just the girls and I. At some point, she decided to stop eating. Eventually, she became bored of watching me eat my dinner and fussed. She didn't fuss long, maybe 30 seconds, when she resigned herself to try to entertain herself. She did a few hand motions with her hands that I did not recognize as sign language, but the movements were peculiar and deliberate. She babbled to herself a few times, and then it happened. She started singing. She has a beautiful little voice.
It wasn't a song that I recognize. She made some hand motions to go along with it, sort of similar to the "roll it" part of patty cake. The words to the song were all "dadadada dadada". But it was a cute sweet baby voice that varied in frequency. It took me a bit to realize what she was doing but I was pretty surprised when I figured it out.
I just wish I knew what song it was, if it was a song we've sang to her. My husband and I have a habit of making up our own songs and singing to her. Some of my husband's songs are not songs that I've ever heard, and vice versa. Half of my made up songs, I doubt I'd even remember them. I just sort of make them up on the spot, pertinent to that situation only, and they're non-sensical. For example, if Sasha is fussing while I'm busy cooking, I might start 'singing' the recipe or actions I am doing in an effort to calm her down.
Besides the singing, we have another molar coming in! Her first molar is through now and she's really chewing foods well. Now this second molar is at a stage where it looks pretty painful. Her gum is huge and swollen and I can feel the tooth beneath but it hasn't come through. So she has 9 teeth and a 10th on the way. She has intermittent bouts of fussiness, which I think is related to the new tooth. I'm sure it has to hurt. Poor girl.
04 November 2007
Baby Legs
I made a test swatch with the needles and yarn that I was going to use to try to get gauge. Gauge is the number of stitches per inch, and also the number of rows in an inch. I determined that my lavender Pound-O-Yarn with size two double-point needles, I knitted approximately 8 stitches per inch in stockinette stitch.
Next, I had to measure my baby. At the highest, fattest top part of her thigh, I measured a circumference of 11 inches. So I determined that my fabric had to at least stretch to 11 inches, but I didn't think it would actually have to be an 11 inch circumference. I figured 8 or 9 inches would work due to the stretchiness of knitted 'fabric'. So I calculated that a 9 inch circumference would be about 72 stitches. That was a nice number as it would divide by three evenly, perfect for dividing my stitches up on three double-point needles so I could knit in the round. That gave me 24 stitches on each of my needles.
So, I cast on 72 stitches. As I was knitting my k1p1 ribbing, it looked too big. After about 10 rows, my ribbing rows measured an inch and I switched to stockinette stitch. Of course, the gauge decreased and it really started to look wide. I kept thinking to myself there's no way this is going to fit a baby leg. But I kept measuring Sasha's thigh circumference and depending on how squirmy she was, it came out to about 10 inches. The circumference of the legging at its widest point was 9 inches so it SHOULD be okay, it just looked huge.
After 14 rows of stockinette stitch, I decreased one stitches off each needle by knitting two stitches together at the beginning of the needle (decreased from 72 total stitches to 69 stitches). This gave me 23 stitches on each needle.
Every 6 rows, I did another decrease round. I did a total of 6 decrease rounds until eventually I was left with 54 stitches, or 18 stitches on each needle.
I then continued with 54 stitches for the rest of the work. I continued until the stockinette portion of the work measured 7 inches.
I switched back to k1p1 ribbing for 1 inch to finish the legging.
The legging turned out very shapely. Very nice looking. I tried it on Sasha and it could use some more length. I am thinking of ripping back the ribbing and adding some more length to it. Other than the length issue, it turned out perfect! Baby thighs are nice and chunky, so the shaping is nearly perfect.
EDIT: I did go back and rip the bottom ribbing, then added an extra 3 inches in length. I almost wish I had added more. The finished pair of leggings look great! They are shaped perfectly for my toddler's thighs. Next pair, I'll probably add an additional 3 inches in length maybe up at the top.
I'll add a picture of the completed project when I get a chance. So far Sasha has worn these leggings multiple times and they match one of her dresses perfectly.
03 November 2007
Bubbles in the Bathtub
Today, Sasha made a fascinating new discovery - bathtub farts! Well, isn't that an interesting new milestone?
Of course, she was taking a bath. After I finish washing her up, it's always play time. I give her the rubber ducky, a bathtub book, her squeegie, and her stackable toy cups from Ikea. Usually, I read her the bathtub book and I brush her teeth. Once I finish brushing her teeth, I give her the toothbrush and she practices brushing her own teeth. She is then free to play with her toys while I brush her hair.
It was during this playtime portion of bath time that she first let one rip in the bathtub today. Bubbles forced their way to the water's surface. She curiously looked down at the water, smiled a huge smile, and giggled. She wanted more bubbles. I noticed that she was grunting and listing off to the side and she forced another one out. The bathtub erupted in another round of bubbles and she laughed at her new discovery. For the rest of bath time, she was grunting and trying very hard to get more bubbles, and she did manage to see those bubbles about three more times!
As hard as she was trying to push out some more farts, I'm so glad that she didn't do more than pass gas in that bathtub, hah!
She eats!
Finally! After much worry about Sasha's reluctance to eat, she is finally eating. She has been for the last week and a half, I think. Tonight, she ate a HUGE meal. Well huge for her. I made my barley beef skillet for dinner last night, and had plenty of left-overs. Tonight I heated up some left-overs for Sasha and even though I pulled out way more food than I thought she'd eat, she ate it all. She ate maybe a half cup portion of it, which is a lot for her! She does like that barley beef, but in general, she's finally started letting us feed her. It's a good thing too because I was worried about her weight. In general, she has never really taken to eating solid food, preferring instead to nourish herself entirely by nursing and cheerios.
And on the baby sign language front, Sasha signed a new word today: Bath. Once she got the hang of it, she was signing it nearly non-stop for a while. It was cute too because she verbally said "baa" while signing it too so I think she was saying AND signing "bath". She was pretty excited about it, and so was I.
31 October 2007
Happy Halloween!
Whew, what a day.
Cassie is actually making some friends in school this year, which is a relief. She didn't have any last year. Today she wanted one of her friends to come over to our house after school so they could hang out. I agreed so I had to wake up early. Combine that with Sasha not wanting to go to sleep until late morning and we have sleep deprivation on my part and my husband's as well.
Cassie begged and convinced me to go get her a halloween costume, so I took her and her friend to the costume store. We got Cassie a Burger King costume...you know the Burger King from those creepy commercials, except we also had a big fake bloody knife as a funny prop to go with it. Then after we got the costume, Cassie and her friend went trick-or-treating. They only got ONE candy bar! It was so pathetic, hardly anyone was handing out candy.
Sasha and I handed out candy though, and Sasha thought it was such fun! She wore her little lamb costume. Once she got the hang of it, she got excited when someone knocked on our door and it was time to pass out some candy.
After her friend left, Cassie made another trick-or-treating round and actually did manage to get some candy. Sasha and I walked with her for part of the trick-or-treating but it was mostly so we could show off her cute costume and show her the trick-or-treating process. She didn't get any candy as I figured she was too young for that.