Finally! After much worry about Sasha's reluctance to eat, she is finally eating. She has been for the last week and a half, I think. Tonight, she ate a HUGE meal. Well huge for her. I made my barley beef skillet for dinner last night, and had plenty of left-overs. Tonight I heated up some left-overs for Sasha and even though I pulled out way more food than I thought she'd eat, she ate it all. She ate maybe a half cup portion of it, which is a lot for her! She does like that barley beef, but in general, she's finally started letting us feed her. It's a good thing too because I was worried about her weight. In general, she has never really taken to eating solid food, preferring instead to nourish herself entirely by nursing and cheerios.
And on the baby sign language front, Sasha signed a new word today: Bath. Once she got the hang of it, she was signing it nearly non-stop for a while. It was cute too because she verbally said "baa" while signing it too so I think she was saying AND signing "bath". She was pretty excited about it, and so was I.
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