I think Sasha may have signed to me today. There's this strange game that I play with her, only because she really seems to like it. I put her on the floor flat on her back and stand over her. Then I balance myself on one foot and put my other foot on her belly like I'm stepping on her and I say "I'm stepping on you!". For some reason she finds this absolutely hilarious. Well, today she gave me the expression she gives me when she wants me to do something again. When she did that I signed "more" to her then I stepped on her again. Repeat that last sentence about 20-30 more times and she finally started hitting the tips of her fingers together in what looked like the sign language for "more" while she gave me her "do that again!" look. I think she's starting to get it.
I tried to get my husband to look, but by the time he looked she stopped doing it. I sort of wanted his confirmation of whether he thought she was signing. It could have been coincidence. Therefore I suppose I'm not counting it as an official sign yet. If I can see her do it more often where I'm not wondering if it's my imagination then I'll start believing she's signing.
Good, because her Signing Time video is starting to drive our household a little crazy. My husband mentioned that he had some hardcore World War II dream...tanks and machine guns and explosions and the whole works, with the Signing Time lady standing in the middle of battle singing her Signing Time song. Yikes! Perhaps he's seen that video a few times too many. But Sasha is starting to get upset when she doesn't see that darned video on the television. Apparently she's also okay with Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN. But AC360 had a guest host on tonight. Give us a few more days. We'll be absolutely insane if we have to watch these videos much more.
Oh yeah, she's sitting up! She really started sitting up without us having to hold her this past weekend. Before that, she would fall over after only a few seconds. Now she can sit up for over a minute or two, sometimes longer! Unless she is startled then she falls over backwards.
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