I'm going to call it today. Sasha is officially signing the word "More". She signs it when I ask her to and she mostly signs it when I'm tickling her or making her laugh and she wants me to do whatever it was that amused her again. It's so cute, it looks like she's clapping except with little fists when she does it.
I suspected she was signing "more" for the past few days but I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, just coincidence, or if maybe I was reading too much into her little clapping movement. But I think she's really doing it!
We're still reeling from Sasha's sleep schedule. I hope she has mercy on us soon.
The other night, we all decided to make a night run to IHOP. We took the bumbo seat along for Sasha to sit in on the table. She is so well behaved when she sits in that seat at the dinner table. Anyways I had a glass of water with a straw and Sasha learned how to drink from a straw.
And in other news, we were pleasantly surprised to see a sign of intelligence in that little baby brain. There is this attachment on her pack-n-play that plays music, sound effects, vibrates, and has a light. Each function has its own button. It's become her after-diaper routine to play with the buttons but she can't quite push the buttons with enough force to make them do what they're supposed to. So now she grabs one of her Dad's fingers, directs it to a button, pushes his finger to make it push the button with enough accuracy that she can switch the music, sound effects and lights. And she looks to make sure it does what it was supposed to. Like, she understands what each button is. When she pushes the button to turn on the different lights, she cranes her head to look at the specific light to make sure it goes on or off. Neat!
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