02 March 2008

Walking Through The Forest

Since Sasha was born, and even before, I sort of made up some stupid songs on the spot. I thought I'd record them for my memory for when I get old and forgetful.

When Sasha was still a little baby in my belly, sometimes she would move around a lot and make my belly shake. Or other times, I'd jiggle my belly around and pretend I was making her dance. And I would sing a little repetitive but simple song:
"Dance dance baby, dance dance dance baby. Dance dance baby dance. Woo!". Cassie is the one that added the WOO! part to the song :) Anyways, even after Sasha was born, I liked to make her 'dance' to the song as I sang it to her.

There's another song that I'd sing to Sasha whenever bathtime was over. I'd just mostly say "All done! All done baby girl" repeatedly in a sing song voice. It eventually evolved into a song with a second verse that says "I love you! Love you baby girl".

Then the third song, which makes diaper changes easier on me, is more elaborate. Walking through the forest! I grab her legs and make them "walk" while I sing:
Walking through the forest, walking through the forest
What do you see? What do you see?
I saw a bear! I saw a bear!
Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Walk, walk, walk, walk!
Oh no! There he is again!
Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Oh no, he's mauling me, gah! He's eating me!

At the beginning, I make her legs walk. Then at the running parts I make her legs run really fast. Then she walks again. Then I "maul" her when she's getting attacked by a bear and pretend I'm eating her :P
I know it sounds so silly but she loves it and she looks forward to it at diaper time. She insists upon it if I forget.

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