04 March 2009

Miss you

Sasha has this cute little phrase she uses a lot lately. If I'm playing with Sasha and her dad isn't around, she'll suddenly stop what she's doing, and in a sad little forlorn voice, she says "Miss Dad!". (Not "I miss Dad". She rarely says I when referring to herself. She either omits it or says "Sasha", referring to herself in 3rd person.)
She does the same if she's with her dad and I'm not around. "Miss Mom!". Sometimes big sister Cassie is missed too.
But then, when the person she is missing returns to her, she runs up to them, gives them a huge hug around their knees, shouts 'FOUND YOU!", and then after the reunited hugs are done, she'll tell them, "I missed you!", repeatedly.
It's very endearing. She truly means it too. She really does miss us when we're not with her and she gets a little sad. Sometimes if she really really misses us, she cries too.

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