22 May 2008

All Better

Sasha is better today. My husband says she has shaken whatever it was that was making her sick and is mostly back to normal. She ate about 1/2 cup of cheerios. She was begging her grandma for some cheese out of the refridgerator when she got a glimpse of it. And she's been drinking her milk. My husband was nervous giving her dairy so soon after her illness, but she insisted.

She was being very cute. Apparently on a car ride back from town, she wanted out of her car seat, so she kept asking my husband "up? up?". He told her that she could get up as soon as they were back home. When they were driving up the driveway, my husband pointed out the three horses. He asked her "What do horses say?". She looked him dead in the eye and calmly told him, "up". Either horses say "up", or she was making a point, but either way she wasn't messing around.
When I called, Sasha was sitting in her grandma's lap, playing with a telephone. She did come on the line to chat with me on the telephone for a bit.

Years of carrying a growing baby around has taken it's toll on my husband's back, so fortunately he saw a chiropractor today. I am glad for that as he says he did get some relief.

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