17 May 2008


Airport Bye-bye

Sasha and my husband have left for their vacation. They will be visiting Sasha's grandma for two whole weeks. I just spoke with my husband, and their plane just landed safely, thank goodness. I was so nervous for them.

My husband said she did amazingly well on her plane trips. They had a three hour layover in Minneapolis and spent most of that going back and forth on those moving sidewalk thingies. Sasha is now a pro at hopping on and off those things. They'd hop on a moving sidewalk going one way, then after they got off, they'd turn around and go the other way.

Sasha should have a great time on her trip. She'll have so much attention! There are so many people that love her out there, and there are lots of things to see and do. Horses and doggies and lots of gorgeous open land to run around in and explore. Plus she'll get to go work at my mil's restauraunt, where she'll make an excellent waitress.

In addition to Sasha and my husband's trip, Cassie had a little adventure planned for today also. There was an anime convention that she and her friends went to. I was very nervous about letting her to to that without us. She and her friends were chaperoned by one of her friend's fathers but I guess I'm just an anxious mother sometimes. I have a hard time letting her go and do things with her friends without me. I gave Cassie way to many instructions. "Don't respond to men who might hit on you, Be sure to thank your friend's father for taking you to the convention, Stay with your friends at all time and never go separate ways".
Anyways she had a blast! She wore a costume, as did pretty much everyone else that went. She made lots of new friends, was very social. She got lots of autographs. There was a rave with music so loud she couldn't hear herself, and strobe lights that made it all look like "stop motion photography" to her, so she got into that and danced her little head off. All in all, she behaved herself and had a lot of fun.

I'm just glad my family all got to their destinations safely today.


SaRaH said...

Look at your girls out there enjoying (taking over?) the world! You should be proud, mama.

jgrunewald said...

that's a cute shot!