16 May 2008

Road Trip

Well, we have a much needed new car, thanks to the assistance of my mother-in-law. The car was purchased over 1200 miles away, so my husband had to fly out to his mother's and drive it home. This left me alone with the girls for a few days. I had to take two days off of work, so that left me with the girls for four days.

I enjoyed every moment of it that I could, and I even got some well needed deep cleaning done on the house. We stayed in the house the whole time. Sasha learned some new tricks. She has been trying to sing the alphabet. She sings "ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD" over and over again, but never continues on past the letter D. Big sister taught her how to say "I love you". She also learned how to finally pronounce Cassie's name. She wasn't able to say the hard C sound, or the S sound, so her pronunciation of Cassie sounded like "ta-yi". Then she figured out the S sound last week, so Cassie was "Tassie". Now she is starting to figure out the K/hard-C sound. Sometimes Cassie is "Tassie" and sometimes she is "Cassie".
We've had some luck with eating. I've figured out that if I don't give Sasha milk or juice immediately upon her waking up, she'll eat better during the day. Also it helps a LOT to cheer every bite she takes.

This weekend, my husband and the baby will be flying back out to his mother's for a two week visit. This will be the first time I'll have been away from the baby since she was born, other than going to work. I am going to miss her terribly. Even though I know she will be in great hands, I am still very worried for both my husband and for Sasha.

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